Myoplex Versus Muscle Milk - Monsters Among Protein Drinks

Bodybuilders and protein drinks go together like peanut butter and jelly, or ham and eggs. There are more protein drink supplements on the market than any other supplement. Protein has been a part of bodybuilding since the early ages of the sport. Milk, eggs, red meat, chicken, tuna fish, and protein powders have been used for a long time. Two of those supplements have gotten a lot of press lately; EAS's Myoplex and CytoSport's Muscle Milk.

Powder Protein

These two products are similar in many ways. They are both available in powder and ready-to-drink (RTD) formulas. The also both have a lower calorie, lower fat, "lite" formula. They are protein drinks that can be used as meal replacement drinks, as well. They are designed around easy-to-digest protein formulas. They come in flavor choices like chocolate fudge, strawberry cream, French vanilla and other dessert sounding names.

Powder Protein

Myoplex comes in original, lite, and carb-control formulas. Each of these variations is available in powder or ready-to-drink formats. The original formula boasts 42 grams of protein, 22 grams of carbohydrates (with only 1 gram of sugar), only 6 grams of fat (and only 1.5 of those saturated fats), and 300 calories per serving. It contains 35% or more of the daily recommended intake of 22 different vitamins and minerals. It is available in chocolate cream, vanilla cream and strawberry cream for powder flavors, and chocolate fudge, French vanilla, strawberry cream, rich dark chocolate, cookies and cream, and mocha latte in the ready-to-drink formula. The Lite formula has 20 grams of protein, 22 grams of carbohydrates (still only 1 gram of sugar) and only 2 grams of fat, with 180 calories. It increases the vitamin and mineral content to 18 over 50% of the daily recommended intake. The price of Myoplex packets (from the EAS website) is about .00 each, and the RTD shakes are around .16 each for the original formula and .50 per packet and .92 per RTD shake for the Lite. These prices vary substantially by store.

Muscle Milk comes in original and Lite formulas, as well. They are both available in powder and ready to drink formulas. The original Muscle Milk carries 32 grams of protein, 16 grams of carbohydrates (of which 4 are sugar), and 12 grams of fat (6 of these are saturated.) It also has 300 calories per serving and 35% or more of 20 different vitamins and minerals. There are 30 flavors available in the powder formula, including such exotic flavors as Blueberries and Crème, Chocolate Banana Crunch, Crème Brulee, Dulce De Leche, Peach Mangor, Root Beer Float, and many others. The ready-to-drink formula comes in 10 different flavors including Chocolate Malt, Chocolate Mint Chip, Vanilla Crème, Banana Crème, and Mocha Latte, among others. The Lite version has only 195 calories, 25 grams of protein, 11 grams of carbohydrates, and only 6 grams of fat. The price of Muscle Milk is about .22 per packet in the 20 packet box (price from CytoSports website.) The RTD shakes are around .99 list price. The Lite version is about .54 per serving for powder and .00 per shake for RTD. These are list prices and prices may vary greatly between supplement sellers.

When it comes to protein drink supplements, both of these have great potential. The original Myoplex formula has a little more protein and less fat but a few more carbohydrates than the Muscle Milk. This may be an issue during cutting cycles or for a bodybuilder with blood sugar issues. In the Lite formulas Muscle Milk adds a little more protein, half the carbohydrates, but slightly more fat. The calories are very close in both formulas. The price per serving is very similar in each product, as well. Muscle Milk does have a slight edge in reviews for taste and ease of mixture. Overall, the similarities outweigh the differences and both products have great nutrient profiles. Whether looking for a solid protein drink or a meal replacement either choice would be a solid one.

Myoplex Versus Muscle Milk - Monsters Among Protein Drinks
Powder Protein

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